Costa Rica Praktikum

Praktikum Costa Rica

Costa Rica Praktikumsbericht 2023

Ein Erfahrungsbericht zu meinem Costa Rica Praktikum. Abenteuer, Sonne, Meer..

Wie kam ich zu meinem Tourismuspraktikum in Costa Rica?

Wie geht es weiter nach meinem Studium? Diese Frage habe ich mir in den letzten Monaten mehr als einmal gestellt. Direkt in einen 9-to-5 Bürojob einsteigen? Für mich in meinen jungen Jahren undenkbar! Daher habe ich angefangen zu recherchieren, welche Möglichkeiten es für ein Praktikum im Ausland gibt und bin auf Rainer und sein Hotel Paraiso del Cocodrilo gestoßen, der regelmäßig nach Praktikanten sucht. Costa Rica steht schon von klein auf auf meiner To-Do-Liste, warum also nicht mit einem Praktikum verbinden?

So habe ich Rainer kontaktiert und nach einem Telefonat in dem wir uns besser kennengelernt und wir uns beide das OK gegeben haben, ging es auch schon los mit der Planung und Vorbereitung für ein Praktikum in Costa Rica.

Praktikum Costa Rica
Der Hotelpool im Hotel Paraiso Cocodrilo

Wie kommt man am Besten nach Costa Rica?

Die wichtigste Frage: Welche Flüge? Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, um nach Costa Rica und speziell nach Liberia zu kommen, denn an Flügen nach San José besteht zwar eine größere Auswahl, der anschließende Transfer nach Samara ist jedoch teuer und mit viel Zeit verbunden. Die wohl entspannteste Möglichkeit nach Liberia ist mit Edelweis Air von Deutschland über Zürich mit einem Tankstopp in San José, bei dem der Flieger nicht verlassen wird. Das ist aber auch die teuerste Option. Alternativ mit Air Canada über Kanada oder mit United Airlines über Amerika.

Mit einem Zwischenstopp in New York nach Costa Rica?

Ich habe mich sowohl aus Preisgründen, als auch wegen des Zwischenstopps in New York für Letztere Möglichkeit entschieden, um zu meinem Costa Rica Praktikum zu gelangen. Ich habe den Flug so gebucht, dass ich Mittags in New York ankomme und erst am nächsten Morgen weiterfliege. So hatte ich die Möglichkeit, einen Abend New York zu erkundigen. Dafür habe ich mir ein günstiges Airbnb in der Nähe vom Flughafen gebucht.

Grundsätzlich war das auch eine gute Idee. Als mich der Busfahrer jedoch unwissentlich ein paar Stationen zu früh aussteigen lassen hat und ich 20 Minuten zum Airbnb laufen musste, war mir aber auch schnell klar, weshalb dieses so günstig war. Die Gegend war nicht gerade vertrauenswürdig und somit startete mein Abenteuer Costa-Rica bereits in New York. Hier verbrachte ich eine schlaflose Nacht weil draußen ständig Alarmanlagen und Sirenen zu hören waren. Dennoch empfand ich den Abstecher in die Mega-Metropole als sehr empfehlenswert, wenn auch sehr kontrastreich zum Ziel des nächsten Tages: Costa Rica für mein Auslandspraktikum in Costa Rica.

Angekommen im Praktikum Costa Rica

Wie kommt man vom Flughafen zum Hotel?

Angekommen in Liberia, durchgeschüttelt von vielen Turbulenzen auf dem Flug, erwartete mich ein Taxifahrer den Rainer organisierte. Auf dem knapp zweistündigen Transfer ins Hotel für mein Costa Rica Praktikum hatte ich die Gelegenheit, meine Spanischkenntnisse mit dem Taxifahrer auszutesten. Unterwegs hielten wir an einer Bank in Nicoya, bei der ich Colon abgehoben habe. Tipp: Diese Variante ist je nach Bank meist günstiger, als vor Ort Euros oder Dollars umzutauschen.

Schließlich erreichten wir das Hotel für mein Costa Rica Praktikum, bei dem mich Rainer freundlich begrüßte. Erschöpft von der langen Anreise und den vielen neuen Eindrücken habe ich erst einmal duschen müssen. Anschließend besprachen wir alles weitere für mein Costa Rica Praktikum. Dann besuchte ich das erste Mal den wunderschönen Strand, bevor wir den 1. Abend entspannt ausklingen lassen haben.

Die direkte Umgebung für mein Costa Rica Praktikum

Wie im Video zu sehen, liegt das Hotel für mein Costa Rica Praktikum mitten im Dschungel. Jedoch nur wenige Minuten vom Strand entfernt. Auf dem 10-minütigen Weg dort hin entdeckt man mit etwas Glück Affen, Leguane und viele weitere Tiere.

Am Strand angekommen erwartet einem schließlich das Paradies auf Erden! Abhängig von der Tageszeit und Ebbe und Flut muss man eventuell einen Fluss überqueren, bevor man am kilometerlangen, menschenleeren Strand schlendern kann. An diesem befindet sich auch ein Naturschutzprojekt für Schildkröten, welches man während dem Costa Rica Praktikum besuchen kann. Außerdem gibt es die Möglichkeit, an Touren teilzunehmen. Diese werden von Rainer organisiert und führen an die tollsten Strände der Gegend oder in andere Nationalparks.

Wo liegt Samara?

Das Hotel Paraiso Cocodrilo liegt etwa 15 Minuten entfernt von Samara. Das ist eine kleine, touristische Stadt direkt am Meer. Um zum Hotel zu gelangen muss ein etwa knietiefer Fluss mit dem Auto überquert werden, was mit einem 4×4 kein Problem darstellt. Die nächst größere Stadt ist Nicoya, die mit etwa einer Stunde Fahrzeit zu erreichen ist. Somit ist das Hotel der ideale Ausgangspunkt für ein Costa Rica Praktikum.

Yoga Retreat Center in der Nachbarschaft

In der direkten Nachbarschaft des Costa Rica Praktikum befindet sich ein Yoga Retreat Center, welches vor allem von Amerikanern genutzt werden. Diese besuchen regelmäßig das Restaurant unseres Hotels und genießen das erstklassige, organische Essen. Außerdem bietet es eine große Auswahl an Drinks wie Cocktails, Longtails, Bier, Wein, Whiskey und Rum.


In Teil 2 werde ich auf die alltäglichen Aufgaben eines Costa Rica Praktikum eingehen und auf die Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen.

Costa Rica Praktikum

Squirrel orphanage Costa Rica

Squirrel orphanage Costa Rica

Squirrel orphanage Costa Rica – Buenas Dias, amigo pequeno!

Squirrel orphanage Costa Rica – A small, deep sleeping, brown-black fleece ball in a heap of soft cloths and blankets – that was the picture I had of our little foundling when I was allowed to lens into his „little house“ for the first time a few days ago. It’s a cardboard box covered with a large cloth, because like most babies this one still sleeps a lot.

Squirrel orphanage Costa Rica
our big boy

A bad start in life but, Buenas Dias, amigo pequeno

„Squirrel orphanage Costa Rica“ weiterlesen

Costa Rica Music Session on the beach

music session on the beach

Costa Rica Music Session on the beach every Wednesday at Las Olas. The popular beach bar in Samara opens its doors once a week for a jam session with local musicians. Everyone is welcome to join in!

Samara Beach Bar

Las Olas is a beach bar on Playa Samara that is also very popular with the Ticos. Here you can take a break from the tourist routine under the tall palm trees of the boardwalk. There is a variety of typical South American dishes and drinks. Every Wednesday evening, for the last few months, the music session of local musicians has been held here. Everyone is invited to bring his instrument and play a few bars with the improvised band. The musicians usually include guitarists, drummers, saxophonists and singers.

music session on the beach
Las Olas Beach Bar on the Playa Samara

Music Session on the beach – Las Olas

At 8 pm the music session starts. The first guitarist sits down in the already set up band setup and starts playing. The acoustic sound fits perfectly to the beach ambience and the mood is good. Despite the end of the season there are quite a lot of people, it is a colorful mixture of Ticos, expats and tourists. With a cool beer or cocktail you can easily get into conversation with a wide variety of people. Little by little the other musicians join in, first an electric guitar then the drums. More guitarists and a saxophonist follow.

music session samara
The local musicians jam together

Band Jam Session Samara

The band already knows each other but the pieces are mostly improvised or only sporadically rehearsed. Not every piece and every note is perfect, but that’s what makes the Music Session so charming. The group plays itself in bit by bit, in between once is exchanged or a new face comes to it. Later in the evening, the old rock classics are brought out. Songs like „Nothing else Matters“ that everyone knows. The acoustics in the bar is usually very loud, who would like to talk a little more undisturbed can take a seat in the outdoor area a little further away from the stage. The musicians can enjoy free drinks for their performance. Everyone is here for the fun of the music and the people.

music session costa rica
Music night every wednesday in las olas

Difficult Situation for Musicians

The possibilities to hold such music sessions in Samara have decreased considerably over the last year. Again and again, established venues had to close, for various reasons. The more beautiful it is that the musicians in the Olas found a firm approach point. On Wednesdays, the beach bar becomes a lively meeting place for people from Samara and the surrounding area. There is a very open atmosphere, you meet old acquaintances or make new friends.

Drinks Las Olas

You can choose from a wide selection of drinks. There are different Costa Rican and international beers. Red and white wines, as well as tropical cocktail classics, such as Pina Colada, Sex on the Beach, Caipirinha and many more. Of course, there is also a wide selection of long drinks and spirits. Guests who want to avoid alcohol can enjoy cool soft drinks, smoothies, milkshakes and alcohol-free cocktails. Food options include grilled burgers, burritos and nachos. Since the beach bar is quite spacious, it can take time to be served. Alternatively, you can order directly at the bar. Card payment and payment with dollars is possible.

Music Sessions in the Paraiso Cocodrilo Lodge

In the restaurant of the Paraiso Cocodrilo Jungle Lodge there are also music sessions from time to time. Especially during the high season, guests can enjoy music evenings. If you are interested in playing for our guests at Paraiso Cocodrilo, please feel free to contact us here. There are some instruments already on site, for example a piano and several guitars. The Paraiso Cocodrilo is located about 20 minutes from Samara, right on Playa Buena Vista. The lodge has rooms and apartments that are suitable for families, couples, friends and single travelers. The restaurant offers local and organic food and drinks.

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Internship Costa Rica – report 1

Internship Costa Rica - report 1

Internship Costa Rica – report 1  from Samara Costa Rica

Once Upon a time…

Internship Costa Rica - report 1
cooles Praktikum Costa Rica

Internship Costa Rica – report 1 – spirit of the jungle

My Internship Costa Rica – report 1 … there was a lost Swiss at the airport in San José: Arrived at the airport I was lost. Alone. In a foreign country. Without any possibility to ask someone for directions. I had missed my bus to Sámara, so I had to look for a hotel for the night. A taxi drove me a few minutes later to a hotel, where I could spend the night.

Internship Costa Rica - report 1
Trip to beach Carillo – almost like the Carribbean

The next day I started my journey to Sámara. Once there, I was glad to meet Rainer, someone who spoke my language and above all someone whom I could trust. With him I drove to the hotel, where I was to spend the next month.

The way to the „Paraíso del Cocodrilo“ was pure adventure! I was not able to shut my mouth in amazement as we drove through the Costa Rican rainforest. Everything was bathed in a lush green and I heard nothing but the roar of the monkeys, the twittering of the birds and the chirping of the crickets.

The highlight of the ride was when Rainer drove the jeep through the river. When he told me that there were crocodiles in this river, I was thrilled. I was in the middle of the tropics of Costa Rica!

„Internship Costa Rica – report 1“ weiterlesen

To which country will we escape?

which country escape

To which country will we flee?

Will there be a world war? We don’t know exactly. To which country will we run away?

And if war? That would be already big shit and for many not really healthy. Since almost all the ass card drawn. And now no more Omega3 or D3 will help.

Which country will we escape – In the history books

this, which takes today only its beginning, will stand as follows:

The „development“ for the people in Germany was not so bad after the war. In the sixties, there was a mood of departure. Nevertheless, the program of the powerful in the background ran already at that time. But now everything is driven successfully in only few years before the wall! Congratulations to our corrupt politicians who hang also only at the strings.

(„Only a Pawn in Their Game“ is a song written by Bob Dylan about the assassination of civil rights activist Medgar Evers in Jackson, Mississippi, on June 12, 1963. )

Economic system will collapse world-wide.
But other countries, like the USA have managed it even better. Even China’s economy blatantly goes down the drain. Total control, real estate market is crashed, banks pay no more money… The economic system will collapse worldwide. Meanwhile interest rates at 0 and merrily print money whereby the price rise.

Forget Soros, Gates, Schwab
and all the other comedians. They won’t get their stupid agenda right. But don’t lose sight of them. The world is already not controlled by man, but by a machine. A financial analysis machine, called Aladdin by BlackRock. All the big financial companies are dependent on it, because it tells them where to go.

big blackout comes

And then when the big blackout comes, and it will come, we will smile. We’re going to light a fire, get out our guitars and take a little Marie Juana.
Because we have enough drinking water, fruits and vegetables and such unimportant things like money and internet we don’t need anymore.

But first freeze a little bit,

and use thinner and thinner shitty house paper.

Well, first a little freeze in the coming winter or what? But to which country will we flee? Maybe just pack our bags and head for the sea. The hammock is already waiting on the beach at palm 7.

Get inspired
from other interesting people and make friends with them. And be open to new arguments.

 which country escape
sleeping sheep all over

Let’s focus on lions
Forget the sleeping sheep, they are uninteresting and boring. But you can already see that some are waking up from their hibernation. Don’t scold them, we used to be one of them. Give them a smile.

facts about costa rica

Let’s concentrate on lions that inspire us and on the animals that inspire us. Let’s look forward to new ideas and experiences.

Be cautious, not afraid: facts about costa rica

The Dino Dinosaur Adventure Trail starts right around the corner.

costa rica president is the first good one, i think.

news and propaganda     

its Crazy enove 

which country will we escape – or are you looking for poet internship?

which country escape
poetry by Jana




 Internship Costa Rica 2022

Internship Costa Rica 2022

Internship Costa Rica 2022 – magic –

Internship Costa Rica 2022 my magic year. Because This year I celebrate my 10th anniversary, away from the cold and complaining Germany where still applies, who complains the loudest or complains most often about his suffering, lives the real life. No thanks, I definitely didn’t want that.

Internship Costa Rica 2022 – Welcome to Ticolandia

10 years on the road, who would have thought that in 2009?! At least I didn’t, but then it just happened, and that’s a good thing. Spain, that was my goal after high school, first get out, see and experience something different. I will learn Spanish and do an internship. Only not in the 17th state Mallorca, that was important. Andalusia, or Cordoba to be more precise, was the destination.

For someone who comes from the flat country at the Baltic Sea, this was a fierce contrast. Upon arrival I was greeted with fiery 45°C, the first cab ride was reminiscent of a getaway in an action movie and when I finally arrived at my accommodation I was welcomed in spirited Spanish, of which I understood nothing, and with two besos left and right.

Plaza de la Corredera, my favorite place in Cordoba

But then it only took a few weeks to realize that I had discovered a new world for myself. My stay for 5 months has become a life plan.
Andalusia has become my home for a good four years, here I discovered my passion for people, Spanish cuisine, music, culture and recognized my career path in the field of tourism through my trainee program in hotel management. I chose this as my field of study, but first I had to fight my way through the bureaucratic jungle in Spain, and then I had to stand my ground among 150 Spanish students at the regular university in Cordoba.

„ Internship Costa Rica 2022“ weiterlesen

Healthy brain – 7 recommendations for a long vital life

Healthy brain

Healthy brain – to live a long vital life – brain healthy tips that is on the goal list of almost everyone nowadays. But many people forget that it is not only about the physical shell, but especially about inner health and a well-functioning memory and brain in order to stay on the right course. So what can we do to keep our grey cells moving?

1. Healthy brain Let’s go!

A classic – movement. Not only the body but also the mind needs exercise. According to a new study by the University of Bremen, movement creates new brain parts and synapses. This does not require high-performance sport, but rather activities such as cycling, walking or taking the stairs, which we should integrate into our everyday lives, especially between the age of 30 and 50, in order to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

change brain healthy lifestyle

„Healthy brain – 7 recommendations for a long vital life“ weiterlesen

My first surf lesson – in beautiful Samara, Costa Rica

My first surf lesson

My first surf lesson- Sun, beach and surfing – that sounds good, doesn’t it? If you’ve always wanted to get into the vibe of the surfer boys/ and girls and test if it’s really much harder than it looks, Samara is the place to be! The small town on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica is the perfect place to get into surfing.

First, some basic info:

My first Surf-lesson, Costa Rica, Samara?
Once you’ve chosen the right school, you’re ready to go – or so I thought. But it’s not quite that easy, because the tide also plays a big role. I was already looking forward to my first surf lesson at 13.00 pm, when at 12.50 pm the message from my surf school fluttered in: No waves today – sorry, can’t do it. Great.

„My first surf lesson – in beautiful Samara, Costa Rica“ weiterlesen